Company: The College of Communication & Art, Tongji University
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Basketball
Year: 2018
Director: Pan Boyang
Editing: Pan Boyang
Actors: Meng Fei
Photos: Pan Boyang, Zou Yucheng, Zhang Yi, Yuan Zhuang
Producer: Pan Boyang
Time: 22 min




Meng Fei, for six years, he has been persisting in doing the most ordinary thing. He is not an athlete on the field, but is paid close attention to. He only graduated from a junior high school, but has been promoted to a white collar with a salary of 200,000 yuan a year. He is the “floor-wiping brother ”. Now, Meng Fei is sprinting towards a higher goal — to become a volunteer on the field of play of the NBA.