Company: Beijing Olympic City Development Association, CCTV Movie Channel, Beijing Universe Starlight Culture Media Co.,Ltd.
Country: CHINA
Discipline: Boxing
Year: 2013
Director: Wang Miaoxia
Editing: Li Xiaofei
Photography: Jiang Xianghua
Soundtrack: Zhang Shu
Actors: Hu Die
Producer: Wang Pingjiu, Su Zhihong
Time: 10 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 3:50 pm – Sala Expo



She is a professional female boxer from the people, and her father is also her coach. Her name is Hu Die, and she appears to be so weak and quiet. She is training hard under the guidance of his father, because she is about to face a major intercontinental boxing match, which is the second one in her career. The game is held in her hometown, and she eventually wins the game though it is very tough. She falls into deep sadness after the match…