Company: TPO New cinematograph

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Ice hockey

Year: 2016

Director: Arzuh Urshan

Editing: Svetlana Kharchevina

Photography: Yuri Yermolin

Soundtrack: Victor Brus

Voice Off: Sergei Chonishvili

Producer: Vladimir Golikov

Coproducer: Vladimir Petrov, Nicholai Porokhovnik

Time: 29 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 20.35 – Sala Donzelli

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The film is dedicated to the history of Russian hockey from 1946 to 1957, to the first legendary offense trios in CSKA -. Vsevolod Bobrov, Viktor Shuvalov and Evgeny Babich and to Anatoly Tarasov, CSKA coach and former player. Against the backdrop of a unique chronicle of hockey, it echos the memories of the Cortina 1956 Olympic champion Viktor Shuvalov, of the legendary Russian coach Anatoly Kostryukov, of the writer Alexander Nilin, of the theatre actor Vladimir Zeldin, “People’s Artist of the USSR” and a CSKA fan.