Company: Hylbz Film & Creative Media

Country: TURKEY

Section: MOVIES

Discipline: Swimming

Year: 2016

Director: Tulay Kocaturk

Editing: Cengiz Karadag

Actors: Alihan Araci, Canan Gener, Tamer Levent, Nursim Demir

Photo: Ercin Karabulut

Soundtrack: Ete Kurttekin

Producer: Alper Yanar

Time: 134 min



Sefa has a natural talent for swimming. During a thunderstorm, he rescues his father who is a fisherman, from drowning and gets the village teacher’s attention. By her efforts, Sefa gets an invitation from a swimming instructor. Accepting it means that Sefa has a chance of getting into a college and leaving his hometown for an unpredictable future in a big city; but it also means that he has to leave his beloved family behind. Is he ready for the journey and the mysteries of the road ahead or will he be haunted by the secrets of his past?