Company: Mavlan Rosul
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Parkour
Year: 2017
Director: Mavlan Rosul
Editing: Mavlan Rosul
Actors: Mavlan Rosul, XayimMahmut, Utkur Yusup
Photo: Mavlan Rosul
Producer: Mavlan Rosul
CoProducer: Mavlan Rosul
Time: 4 min



Coming to a Gobi desert without a drop of water, July, Turpan is a deadly rhythm. Many times the members complained, and many other persisted because of their passion. It was not so smooth at the beginning, because this is the first time they challenged such a venue. There were no obstacles, but there were gullies, mounds, that ready to dance with you at any time of the dust, really can live to death. Just about to start running, the dust began to rise blocking the airways and eyes.