Company: The College of Communication & Art, Tongji University

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Hiking

Year: 2017

Director: Boyang Pan, Pengfei Zheng

Editing: Boyang Pan,Pengfei Zheng

Actors: Junfan Pan

Photo: Boyang Pan,zPengfei Zheng


Voice Off: the CNR youRadio FM101.8

Producer: Boyang Pan, Pengfei Zheng

Time: 20 min



Junfan Pan, is a person with disalibity wearing a calf prosthesis. Although fate seems somewhat ruthless to him, he accepts the reality and has been trying to seek self-breakthrough. The documentary tells his life from the aspects of family, work, hike, daily life, public service and in the meantime explores the social problem of disabilities and the eternal topic of fate.