Company: Sutilde Cine

Country: MEXICO


Discipline: Athletics

Director: Jorge Porras Gamboa

Edting: Aldo Osorio

Actors: Luis Alberto Rivera, Edgar Alejandro Rivera, Jorge Eduardo Rivera, Adrián Fernando Rivera, Marisela Domínguez.

Photo: Aldo Hernández

Soundtrack: Bernardo Flores

Producer: Jorge Porras Gamboa

Running Time: 81 min


In 2013 Luis Rivera became the best Mexican long jumper in history. As he prepares to become the first Mexican with Doctorate studies (PHD) to participate in the Olympic Games, a series of injuries threaten the dream of Mexico´s best long-jumper. The athlete seeks to inspire a generation, but his main challenge is to keep the focus in front of his brothers; who follow in his footsteps and share his Olympic dream. After an almost miraculous recovery, and with little time to classify, his best jump is only one cm. short of the minimum required mark for the Olympic Games. At the end of his journey, Luis gets to attend the Olympic Games of Rio 2016, not as a participant, but as a supporter of one of his brother, from the stands.