Company: Telecinco Cinema S.A.U.

Country: SPAIN


Discipline: Motorcycling

Year: 2015

Director: Luis Mora

Editing: Carlos Blas

Photography: Luis Gargallo, Jorge Juan

Producer: Telecinco Cinema, Ghislain Barreois

Coproducer: Supersport

Time: 27 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 16.00 – Sala Donzelli

Watch the trailer


In 1988, Sito Pons became the first Spanish motorcycle champion in the 250 cc. class while Joan Garriga finished in second place. The battle triggered deep hostility between them. Twenty-six years later, Pons is still a winner, but Garriga has lost everything. After Joan suffered a heart attack, Sito came back into his life.