Company: China Teenage School Football Leader Group Office
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2017
Director: Fang Yu
Editing: Fang Yu
Photo: Zi Yun, Lu Fei
Producer: Fang Yu
CoProducer: Wang Deng Feng
Time: 3 min




In Lhasa, in Tibet, several children play football on their way to school. They play so happily that they forget about the time they are supposed to be at school. Urged by a grandma, they hurry to school. The joy and humor vividly demonstrates the headway which has been made in China’s football. On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an average altitude of 4,500 meters, children also have a passion for playing football, which, in turn, makes them more outgoing and healthier.