Company: F-Tech Productions

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Athletics – Trailrunning

Director: Micheal Tscholl, Markus Frings

Edting: Micheal Tscholl

Actors: Daniel Jung

Photo: Micheal Tscholl, Tobias Huber, Peter Prantl, Simon Hechl

Producer: Alex Berger, Martin Gruber

Running Time: 26 min


Daniel Jung is an Ultra Trailrunner from South Tyrol. His biggest achievements were victories at the Ultraskyrace in 2016 and 2017 including the course record. In August 2018 he set himself the ultimate challenge: running the Tyrolean Höhenweg nonstop from Mayrhofen (Austria) to Merano (Italy). The trail is a high altitude hiking path 200 km long with a total vertical altitude difference of 14.000 meters. Through his training, Daniel crosses the 100-km mark without any troubles but, after 30 hours of nonstop running on a very technical terrain he has to admit that he underestimated his aim. At the top of a mountain pass near the border of Austria and Italy he has to take a break and adapt his goal due to the critical conditions he found himself. In this state he recognized that it is not the time hard to beat; it is the path itself.