Company: Hangzhou Ergeng Network Technology Co. Ltd

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2017

Director: Shi Xinjie

Editing: Shi Xinjie

Photo: Alinuer


Soundtrack: Deng shuwen

Producer: Xu Zhijie

CoProducer: Song Hong

Time: 6 min



In the far distance of China, Xinjiang, soccer is a natural activity for the kids. They always start with running freely in the land of 166 square kilometers which is their primary soccer field. They were born with this passion, mixed with youngsters’ pureness and energy, and although becoming a professional soccer player is just an unreachable dream, they still play on field with passion, and always with smiles and laughter. Especially in the countryside, kids have never seen a real soccer field. They just practice in front of their house, in the muddy fields, and even in deserts and dry lands. Their teacher’s skills to play soccer are just limited, but even though they don’t even have matches to play, when they are running in the fields kicking the soccer ball and thinking of their idols, show the passion and vigorous hope in these kids.