Company: China Central Newsreel And Documentary Film Studio Group

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Sailing

Year: 2017

Director: Wang Changjiang

Editing: Wang Changjiang

Actors: Zhai Mo

Photo: Feng Feng

Soundtrack: Zhao Xiaofei

Time: 52 min



From April to August, 2015, navigator Zhai Mo led his team on a  journey in the Maritime Silk Road on two sailing boats. Zhai Mo had completed a world-round sailing on his own before, but this was this first time for him to lead a crew. Zhai Mo not only faced the dangerous Somali waters, storms and huge waves, but also dangers and difficulties from his fellow humans, like pirates and crew members dropping out at the hardest time. But this did not stop him. He decided to move forward in extremely difficult situations, even with his life at stake. Finally, after all of what he’d been through, his sailing boat arrived at the destination, in Italy.