Company: NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK in association with NHK Global Media Services

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Martial Arts Kendo

Director: Shigenari Yano

Edting: Yutaka Tada

Photo: Toshio Kajiyama

Sound Effects: Kenji Sasaki

Sound Engineers: Koji Uchiyama, Masahiro Nakada

Producer: Jun Ito, Shinji Nakajima, Mitsuhiro Nishimura

Running Time: 44 min


Hidehisa Nishimura is a national champion of kendo – one of Japan’s traditional martial arts. His signature move is the so-called “Lightning Kote”: he flings into the opponent’s arms at the perfect timing and gains a point. It is the skill that led Nishimura, who is rather short as a kendo competitor, to victory. When he rescued the victims of the Kumamoto earthquake, he decided to change his style, by using a technique quite opposite to the previous one. He is now spending days on a thorny path trying to master kendo without regret under the pressure of not winning for two consecutive years.