Company: Binding Films Pty Ltd.



Discipline: Freestyle Skiing

Year: 2016

Director: Leo Baker, Katie Bender

Editing: Jane Usher, Ellen Dimler

Actors: Lydia Lassila, Alisa Camplin, Jacqui Cooper

Photography: Leo Baker

Soundtrack: Thomas E. Rouch

Producer: Katie Bender

Time: 96 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 16.55 – Sala Donzelli

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The Will to Fly is the story of Olympic Champion Lydia Lassila who, as a young mum and against all the odds competing in a very dangerous sport, dares to reach for an almost impossible dream. As a young gymnast, Lydia Lassila’s Olympic aspirations were set and then dashed by injuries and missed opportunities. Aerial skiing provided a second chance opportunity to realize her dream – and create many new ones. Through an experimental roller-coaster career of boldness and perseverance, she turned some setbacks into fuel for an all-mighty comeback. Lydia won the 2010 Olympic Games with a world record score still held today.