Company: NHK – Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Diving

Year: 2017

Director: Tmako Ikeyama

Editing: Gen Kashiwazaki

Photo: Toshiyuki Suginaka

Voice Off: Tomomitsu Yamaguchi

Producer: Telecom Staff Inc. For NHK in association with NHK Enterprises

CoProducer: Telecom Staff Inc.

Time: 49 min



From a 10-meter platform, divers perform aerial gymnastics at 50 kilometers per hour, barely splashing the surface as they enter the water. Hana (18), Kai (15) and Rin Kaneto (13) are three siblings who aim to be the first third-generation Olympians in diving. Their grandparents took part in the Tokyo Olympics back in 1964, and their parents in three Olympics each after that. A six-month record of three diving siblings and their family as Kai and Rin strive to catch up to their elder sister.