Company: NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Martial Arts Judo

Director: Toshihiko Konno

Edting: Mariko Masuda, Shin Kato

Photo: Shinjiro Morishige

Soundtrack: Yukiyo Nakamura

Producer: Jun Kawaguchi, Hajime Iwaya, Yoshio Furuya

Running Time: 49 min


With a father in prison, and his mother and sisters struggling to get by in a rough and impoverished district of Naples, Antonio Antonio Bottone, 16, was a troubled adolescent already getting involved in street fights. His life changed when he met judo coach Giovanni Maddaloni. Not only does Maddaloni train Olympic heroes, he uses the dojo as a base to support the community by rebuilding lives and strengthening ties. Antonio embraced the opportunity that judo offered and has quickly developed into a young man with a fighting chance to represent Italy in Tokyo in 2020. But when his paroled father Giuseppe appears and wants to contribute to his son’s training, Antonio’s world is turned upside down. Can they find a way to work together and get Antonio back on tatami for Tokyo?