Projection: Saturday 6th December – 6.50 pm – Sala Donzelli
Company: Phoenix Films
Country: BRAZIL
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2014
Director: Jose Joaquim Soares, Jose Candido Soares
Editing: Jose Candido Soares
Photo: Jose Joaquim Soares
Soundtrack: Patrick Laplan
Voice Off: Alex Marrow
Producer: Phoenix Films
CoProducer: Sportv
Time: 52 min


During the World War II there wasn’t the football World Cup. However,  football survived and many rivalries were born in this period. In South America one of the football world classics was born: Brazil vs Argentina. In 1938 the two countries applied to host the World Cup: Brazil under President Vargas regime and Hitler’s Germany. After the war Brazil was almost the only country able to host the event and so it happened. This film brings back to live rare footage of football during the war period with remastered originals of the IV World Cup held in Brazil.