Company: Alibaba Group
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Ice Hockey
Year: 2018
Director: Eli Sverdlov
Editing: Noam Weissman
Actors: Kenya's Ice Hockey Team
Voice Off: Liav Sverdlov
Producer: Juliana Li, Greta Bi
CoProducer: Philip Key, Katherine Leach Lewis, Bernice Purdham, Sasha Cherniavsky, Daria Stepani, Branislav Binda
Time: 2 min




In a world obsessed with size, the BIG are most talked about: big companies, big achievements, big stars… This is especially true in the context of the Olympic Games, where the winners get not only the medal, but also the applause and the spotlight. Being the Worldwide Partner of the Olympic Games gives Alibaba the opportunity to voice out its brand value to the whole world, not only because of the global impact of the world’s biggest sport event, but also because the Olympic Games shares the same value with Alibaba. The communication campaign aims to re-define the conventional perception of SMALL and inspire people all around the world to recognize that SMALL is not a sign of inferiority. Kenya amateur ice hockey team participate at the Winter Olympics firsthand.