Company: Gagarin Media Film Company

Country: UKRAINE


Discipline: Handball

Year: 2016

Director: Dmytro Tomashpolskiy

Editing: Dmytro Tomashpolskiy

Photography: Taras Shapoval

Soundtrack: Tymur Polyanskiy

Producer: Alena Demyanenko

Time: 52 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 16.50 – Sala Donzelli

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Women’s handball team Spartak entered the Guinness Book of Records for the number of victories and sports trophies. Past and present merge in order to flow, like a mighty stream, into the future, where new achievements await. To the victorious streak of the legendary team under the command of Igor Turchin in the 1960s-80s and Spartak current team’s struggle in the Ukrainian Championship, there is a beautiful love story of the coach Igor Turchin and the young team captain Zinaida Stolitenko peeps out, showing the genesis of their feelings and the creation of a unique sporting family.