Company: Rai – Rai Scuola
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Various Sports
Year: 2017 
Director: Pietro De Gennaro, Alessandro Galassi
Producer: Rai Scuola
Time: 60min


Manuela Migliaccio had a dramatic incident in 2009 that made her lose the use of her legs. After only three years she walks again thanks to the use of an exoskeleton and she starts practicing and loving all sports.
Now Manuela is a marathon runner but practices also climbing, she walks the catwalk as a model for charity and works as a bar women in the first bar in Italy run by a group of disabled people.
Loredana Trigilla was involved in a brutal car accident on Naples – Rome highway that caused her a spinal injury making her paraplegic. During riabilitation in Rome she meets several paralympic fencers who urge her to undertake this discipline.