Company: Rugby Milano ASD

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Rugby

Year: 2016

Director: Marcello Pastonesi

Editing: Marcello Pastonesi

Actors: Detenuti Carcere di Bollate, Massimo Parisi, Gherardo Colombo, Sergio Carnovali e Federico Pozzi

Photography: Marcello Pastonesi

Soundtrack: Autori Vari

Producer: ASD Rugby Milano

Coproducer: Gorilla Film

Time: 26 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 17.45 – Sala Donzelli

Watch the trailer


The “Barbarians Bollate” is formed by people genuinely willing to get back into play. The aim: entertain, discuss the themes of loyalty, respect and discipline, practicing a team sport, to arrive at the formation of a real team. “Rugby Bol”, was attended by nearly eighty prisoners of Casa di Reclusione di Bollate, with a hard core made up of 25 boys between 19 to 50 years, former football players or those who have never practiced sport, well focused on the goal of creating a team. The aim is to train the players, but above all to pass some ingredients of rugby and useful in life: respect, sense of sharing and belonging; the importance of a well played game by managing sports enthusiasm and a specific technique. The team’s name, chosen by the prisoners themselves, wants to point out the different cultures that come together in the prison house. For the first time, in June 2015, one selection of the Barbarians Rugby Bollate have had the opportunity to go out and play in a rugby tournament at the new field of AS Rugby Milan at the Idroscalo.