Company: Cool Earth Productions

Country: USA


Discipline: Boxing

Year: 2015

Director: Felice Leeds

Editing: Felice Leeds

Actors: Bud Collins, Dr. Ann McKee, Mike Silver, Tony DeMarco, Dan Cuoco, Richard Johnson, Michael Dukakis

Photography: Bennett Leeds

Soundtrack: Chad Rehmann

Voice Off: Mary Babbitt

Producer: Bennett Leeds

Coproducer: Felice Leeds

Time: 64 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 15.00 – Sala Parlamentino

Watch the trailer


It begins as a classic tale of a boxer overcoming physical adversity to become World Middleweight Champion. But there is much more to Paul Pender’s story. He was misdiagnosed as having Alzheimer’s, but after his death doctors discovered he suffered from CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), a debilitating disease that’s at the forefront of contact sports today. Paul’s disease was so severe that his brain became the “index case”, that is the brain against which all others are compared. Paul’s story serves as both a cautionary tale for what can happen when athletes aren’t properly cared for, as well as a fitting tribute for a man who was known for his intelligence in and outside of the ring.