Company: Riccio Blu

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Baseball

Year: 2017

Director: Stefano Coco

Editing: Stefano Coco

Photo: Mathia Coco

Soundtrack: Riccardo Ponzo

Voice Off: Stefano Coco

Producer: Riccio Blu

Time: 90 min



Between 1971 and 2005 on a small Sicilian island in the Mediterrean sea, north of Palermo, an extraordinary phenomenon developed. In just over 30 years, a surprising parabola of the locally known “Hit and Run” game took place, which is more widely known as baseball. In the peak of this event, during the 90s, the small island of about a thousand inhabitants hosted two sport teams: Ustica Baseball Club and Ustica Softball Club, both at their respective national levels.