Company: Ana Vega Perez
Country: SPAIN
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Mountaineering
Year: 2018
Director: Ignasi Lópes Fàbregas
Editing: Ignasi Lópes Fàbregas
Photos: Ignasi Lópes Fàbregas
Soundtrack: Akashic Records, The Arcadian Wild, Justin Crosby, Catch 22 Music
Voice Off: Adriana Giménez, Ana Vega
Producer: Ana Vega
Time: 11 min




Marcel and Andrezj are a legendary pair of mountaineers. They have been the first ones to conquer the highest and hardest peaks. Now they face the biggest challenge: reaching the virgin summit of the highest mountain. In order to achieve this, they will have to overcome formidable obstacles, suffer hardships and stand each other for a long time.