Company: Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Cycling
Year: 2018
Director: Marco Singh
Editing: Marco Singh
Photo: Marco Singh
Soundtrack: Abstract of Playground's song Shake Your Hips, free interpretation of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah and some folk motives arranged by Bill laswell
Voice Off: Marco Singh
Producer: Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti
Time: 10 min




The Giro d’Italia 2018 back in Carnia passing one of the most hard ascents in Europe, the mount Zoncolan stop in the 19th of May that start from San Vito al Tagliamento and finish on the summit of Carnia. Which emotions brings the arrive of the cyclist  between Carnia population? The first time on the Zocolan was in the 2003, the last gretting of an unforgettable cycling hero Marco Pantani.