Company: Beijing Documentary

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Slackline

Year: 2016

Director: Yan Wei

Editing: Yan Wei

Photo: Xing Chuan

Voice Off: Peng Linhai

Producer: Zhang Jie

Time: 25 min



The Shangri-La Tiger Leaping Gorge is the first natural barrier of the Yangtze River and one of the deepest gorges in China. The Jinsha River flows between the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and  Haba Snow Mountain at the altitude of over 5000m while the river is merely 60m in width but 3900m in height difference. Facing the running Jinsha River, someone wants to take a shortcut and erect a band to walk across the Tiger Leaping Gorge. He  is Zhang Liang, the record holder of band let in height in China. Slacklining is a minority extreme sports introduced in China in recent years. The athlete needs to keep body balance, walk, leap or even complete various complicated skills on the flat nylon rope, which is merely wider than the thumb. Can Zhang Liang successfully realize his dream of extreme sports?