Company: Match TV

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Paralympic Games

Year: 2016

Director: Alexander Lunkov

Editing: Alexander Lunkov

Actors: Oleg Kretsul, Abdula Kuramagomedov, Roman Fedyaev, Artur Yusupov, Vadim Aleshkin, Nicole Radomakina

Photo: Mikhail Luzin

Producer: Dmitry Limar

CoProducer: Vladislav Razgoev

Time: 3 min



Russian federal channel “Match TV” argues against accusations and prejudices. We created an advertising campaign in support of the Russian Paralympic team, that was removed from the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro without evidence. “We will not get worse without the Paralympic Games, but they without us – will do”: these are the words told by people with limited possibilities in response to the decision of the sport officials.