Company: RTP – Radio e Televisão de Portugal



Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2016

Director: Nelson Castro

Editing: Nelson Castro

Actors: Rafael Paes, Sofia Sousa, Hugo Manso, Francesco Cerruti, Sofia Vivo, MoisésCardoso

Photography: Rui Prates

Soundtrack: Hugo Fernandes

Voice Off: José Mariño

Producer: Luís Limão, Annalisa Capriuolo, Kikas Corricas

Time: 2 min

Projection: Saturday 19 November  – 17.00 – Sala Terrazzo

Watch the trailer


A kid is playing football. Suddenly, the ball ends up under a car. It’s stuck. Despite his best efforts, the kid is unable to get the ball from under the car. The shot opens and we see it’s an RTP car. The kid went for help. He brings his dad with him. The two do all they can to get the ball from under the RTP car. Despite their best efforts, they don’t manage to. He can’t have his ball back. Suddenly, a number of people come to his aid. Together they try to lift the car so they can get the ball from under it… and fail. After every attempt a voice-off says: “We own the ball”.