Company: At Communications
Country: ITALY
Section: TV SHOWS
Discipline: American Football
Year pf production: 2011 / 2012
Director: Alessandro Tanassi
Editing: Alessandro Tanassi
Photography: Alessandro Lamarina
Soundtrack: DJ NERU
Actors: Walter Peoples, Todd Smargiasso, Vincent Argondizzo, Anna Paola Pagani, Arianna Liorre e Maurizio Cesari
Voice Off: Alessandro Tanassi
Producer: Alessandro Tanassi
Time: 30 min
Screening: Thursday 6th December 3.00 pm Sala Terrazzo


We Play For Pizza, which  is inspired on the book of John Grisham “Playing for Pizza”, is the first tv show between fiction and reality about American football in Italy. In 2012 the teams of the American Football major league IFL in Italy are 12 and each team can enrol a maximum of 4 American players. From March, starting date of the Championship up to the Superbowl, WPFP will introduce American players of each team in the context of the city. In October 2011, the pilot was shot with two American players in Bologna: the quarterback Todd Smargiasso and the wide receiver Walter Peoples. Moreover, the help of the Bologna Warriors team (runner-up in the Italian Championship), of the coach Vincent Argondizzo and of the cheerleader Bologna team was very important.