Company: Davide Grimoldi

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Free Climbing

Year: 2017

Director: Davide Glimoldi

Editing: Davide Glimoldi

Actors: Diego Pezzoli, Eleonora Delnevo, Angelo Angelilli

Producer: Davide Glimoldi

Time: 17 min



Eleonora (Lola) is a passionate mountain climber. In March 2015, while she is climbing an icefall in Val Daone, she is victim of a dreadful accident in which she loses the use of her legs. For Lola, however, the desire to resume physical activity and dive back into the climbing is overwhelming, and after a few months of rehabilitation, she accepts without hesitation the proposal of some friends to climb, with special equipements, a way on the mythical El Capitan wall, in Yosemite National Park. It is the story of how she prepared and lived this experience, in a mix of carefree smiles, real action, nights in portaledge, hours and days together with great friends, but in the end, the disappointment of not having completed the climb. Without giving too much weight to failure, Lola is happy for the experience and, to the proposal to retry again another firm, without delay, she replies … “Why not?”