Company: Matteo Valsecchi

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Track and Field

Year: 2015

Director: Matteo Valsecchi

Editing: Matteo Valsecchi, Francesco Martino

Actors: Yemaneberhan Crippa, Nekagenet Crippa

Photography: Matteo Valsecchi

Soundtrack: Andrea Taeggi

Producer: Nereal

Coproducer: Il gioco degli specchi

Time: 25 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 19.35 – Sala Colonne

Watch the trailer


A tiny village in the mountains, in Trentino, north Italian Alps: it has come to a new life, thanks to nine Ethiopian boys and girls. They were all adopted by the same couple, who also hosts three adults with mental disorder. Two of the Ethiopian children, Yema and Neka, run, win races and break records. They come from the African Highlands: they are light, fast, strong. But Luisa, the adoptive mother, decides to leave. Roberto remains chief of the tribe. The two boys keep running, every day of the year with every kind of weather.