I wish to express, on behalf of FICTSFederation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs (130 member Countries, recognized by International Olympic Committee) as well as of the Festival Organising Committee, MY PERSONAL THANKS for the active adhesion and the precious collaboration at the end of “SPORT MOVIES & TV 2024 – 42nd MILANO INTERNATIONAL FICTS FEST” Worldwide Final of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture (20 Festivals around the 5 Continents) of the “World FICTS Challenge 2024” held in Milan (Italy) from 5 to 9 November.

A wide participation on national and international level a media and critical acclaim at the presence of 107 Directors and Producers and 172 National and International Guests among which prestigious Institutional Authorities and Olympic and World Champions which characterized the 42nd edition of SPORT MOVIES & TV.

The minutes of the International Jury, with “Guirlande d’Honneur”, “Mention d’Honneur” and “Special Awards” is available on http://www.sportmoviestv.net/juryminutes2024.pdf.

All the pictures of “SPORT MOVIES & TV 2024”: https://www.sportmoviestv.net/sport-movies-tv-2024/.

The Official Catalogue (100 coloured pages) http://www.sportmoviestv.net/catalogo_2024.pdf.

The Program:  http://www.sportmoviestv.net/programma24.pdf.

The Official film

“An unexpected success for the 42nd edition of “SPORT MOVIES & TV 2024”. You have taken on a crucial role in this mission through your ability to combine the power of sport and the magic of cinema. My warm thanks go to all those who participated in the Festival that it has also been an opportunity to honour and celebrate You, recipients of this message, who remind us all of the power of sport, through the art of cinema.

For FICTS, which encourages young people to use their imagination to become creators of sports contents through modern technologies, sport is a global movement at the service of humanity. See you at “World FICTS Challenge Festival 2025”.


Prof. Franco Ascani

FICTS President