Company: Costanza Film Distribution

Country: ISRAEL


Discipline: Judo, Swimming, Basketball

Director: Alon Marom

Edting: Vitali Krivich, Alon Marom

Actors: Noa Even, Raz Hershko, Mohamed Abuarisha, Ilya Gladishev

Photo: Asher Ben Yair-Ilan, Alon Marom

Soundtrack: Yossi Appelbaum

Producer: Irit Dolev

Running Time: 84 min



Four adolescents, outstanding athletes living and training at Israel’s National sports Academy, are facing a system that pushes them to their limits while they question whether their youth isn’t being spent in vain. The story shifts between exhausting training routine and painful injuries to sporting peaks only a few are blessed to experience. But even when they hit rock bottom, what stops them from giving up is their fear of discovering that disillusionment from their dream will be much more painful than striving for it.