Company: CDI Srl
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Athletics
Director: Sanjay Rawal
Edting: Alex Meillier
Photo: Sean Kirby
Soundtrack: Micheal A. Levine
Producer: Alex Meillier, Tanya Meiller, Sanjay Rawal
Co Producer: Elisa Estrada, Kenichiro Konomi
Running Time: 80 min
Every summer, in New York, “Self-Trascendence 3100 Mile Race” takes place: the participants have 52 days to complete the 4.989 km race, made of 5.649 tours around a large block in the Jamaica Queens neighborhood. The competition, named “The Everest of ultramarathons” by the New York Times, was founded by the Indian spiritual master Sri Chinmoy as an opportunity to practice the self-transcendence. Athletes come from the whole world, pushed by the willing to go beyond their limits to try to reach new records and to have the chance to know themselves better as well. We follow the performances of two participants at the same time – an Austrian cellist and a Finnish delivery guy – and the actions of three icons of running as a spiritual search: a Navajo, a Bushman hunter and a Buddhist monk.