Company: Soul Film Production

Country: ITALY


Discipline:  Climbing

Director: Marco Zingaretti

Edting: Filippo Orrù

Actors: Documentary Cast: Erri De Luca, Roberto Podio, Ilaria Stivali

Soundtrack: Overlogic Music

Producer: Roberta Santoro

Co Producer: Infinity Mediaset

Running Time: 73 min



In 2019 the climbing documentary “Free solo” won the Academy Award and in 2020 sport climbing makes its Olympic debut. But what the world of common climbers looks like? “Alé” will try answer to that, through the stories of the common protagonists who, also thanks to climbing, have found the sense of the words: sharing, adventure, passion. The journey begins at writer Erri De Luca home and ends in the hinterland of Greece.