Company: Livin’ Large Productions, LLC

Country: USA


Discipline: American Football

Year: 2016

Director: Lara Slife

Editing: Lee Levin

Actors: Junior Seau, Coach Lou Holtz, Chris Fowler, Les Miles, Gary Barnett, Bill McCartney

Photography: Chris Lytwyn

Soundtrack: The Angel

Producer: George Antonopoulos

Coproducer: Lon Samuelson

Time: 110 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 18.30 – Sala Parlamentino

Watch the trailer


An exhilarating sports documentary film about the first NCAA Samoan quarterback, Sal Aunese, who in 1989, takes a down and out team to the National Title – only not in the way that you may think. Sal Aunese was the University of Colorado’s star Samoan Quarterback who died of stomach cancer in 1989, and his team promptly dedicated their season to him. Through reflections from his friends, family, and teammates, as well as rare archival footage, the movie chronicles Sal’s rise to the top as one of his team’s most valuable players and his valiant battle with the disease. It is a rousing story of courage, friendship, and living life against the most brutal of obstacles.