Company: Merge Group

Country: USA


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2015

Director: Jerome Thelia

Editing: Greg Wright; Andrew Napier

Photography: David McLain; Trevor Tweeten; Daniel Katz

Soundtrack: Nathan Halpern; Garth Neustadter

Producer: Anne Carkeet; Phil Mershon; Andrew Napier; David McLain; Jerome Thélia; Greg Wright; John Fox

Time: 72 min

Projection: Saturday 19 November  – 20.05 – Sala Parlamentino

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From Brazilian favelas to dusty Congolese villages, from  Neolithic Scottish isles to modern soccer pitches, the movie explores the little-known origins of soccer. Across time, languages and continents to discover how the ball has staked its claim on  people’s lives and fueled  their  passion  to compete. Equal parts science, history and cultural essay, the documentary removes audience from the scandals and commercialism of today’s sports world to uncover the true reasons we play ball, helping us reclaim the universal connection to the games so loved.