Company: Mediacreative
Country: ITALY
Section : MOVIES
Discipline: Swimming
Year: 2016
Director: Donatella Cervi
Editing: Mediacreative
Actors: Paola Onofri, Gian Marco Tavani
Photography: Stefania Moretti AVI Film
Soundtrack: Roberto Zimmerman, Linda Spandri
Voice Off: William Angiuli
Producer: Mediacreative
Time: 75 min
Projection: Thursday 17 November – 20.30 – Sala Colonne
Watch the trailer
When swimming becomes an epic challenge and a social commitment. This the extraordinary story of Leo Callone, Italian athlete able to go around the world twice and he holds the record of crossing the English Channel for more than 25 years. He challenged Loch Ness swimming from Como to Colico, From Asinara to Porto Torres and more. This is the story of a great swimmer and his land but how a great sport can become solidarity in order do built an hospital in Guatemala dedicated to his son died after 5 years fighting against a illness still without therapy.