Company: Imagine Media

Country: P.R. Of CHINA


Discipline: Basketball

Year: 2017

Director: Wei-Ching Hsu, Chun-Fan Kwan

Editing: Wei-Ching Hsu,Yuet-Lo Wong

Actors: YaoMing

Photo: Cyrus Yonng, Chun-Fan Kwan

Producer: Ai-Wa Chan

Time: 45 min



This is a documentary about Yao Ming in his own tongue and the first one since he got retired: from his teenage time to his experience at the NBA, to his jersey retirement, and to his new appointment as the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association. In his life, he has changed many roles such as the player, the businessman, the charity organizer and the government officer building up a particular connection between the USA and China and bringing reformative changes to the Chinese basketball.