Company: Beijing Hairun Pictures Co. Ltd

Country: P.R. Of CHINA

Section: MOVIES

Discipline: Basketball

Year: 2017

Director: Larry Yang

Editing: Larry YangSuper Zhang

Actors: Stephon Marbury,He Bing,Chun Wu,Allen Iverson

Photo: Danny Chen

Soundtrack: Nicolas Erréra

Producer: Victoria Hon

Time: 110 min



Former NBA superstar Stephon Marbury brings his talent and his Championship dream to China, teaming up with a group of courageous young men, who dare to share his dream, and meets a surprisingly open-minded coach, Zheng, whose unconditional trust gives Marbury the ultimate support he needs. Together they bring the team to the Finals, and eventually put up the most epic fight against China’s best team,  Guangdong, who is a seven-time-championship team and considered unbeatable.