Projection: Sunday 7th December – 6.25 pm – Sala Expo
Company: Servizi Associativi srl
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Various Sports
Year: 2014
Director: Roberto Verderajme
Editing: Roberto Verderajme
Photo: Roberto Verderajme
Soundtrack: 4 Minutes Warning
Actors: Gloria Riva, Giulio Zito, Andrea Colombo
Producer: Servizi Associativi srl
Time: 22 min


Sport is a key growth opportunity for young people as support them in their choices of study and life. This film is a journey into the sport, the young people, their dreams and studies, to describe and prove that sports and studies are a winning combination on the race and in the school and provide the basis for a greater awareness of themselves and conquer their psycho-physical balance.