Sports discipline: Cycling

Production company: Beijing Rising Star Culture & Communication Co., Ltd

P.R. OF CHINA 2018, 20 min

Director: Zhang Rui

Editing: Zhang Rui

Actors: Zhou Shaohe, Ji Shimin

Photos: Beijing Rising Star Culture & Communication Co., Ltd

Soundtrack: YUM Music

Voice Off: Zhou Shao-he

Producer: Press and Publicity Dep. of the General Adm. of Sport of China Publicity Dep. Chinese Olympic Committee, Press and Publicity Dep. of All-China Sports Fed., China Sports Press Ass.


For the first time, two Chinese cyclists ride across Mongolia from Ulaanbaatar all the way to the west. A post-80s and a post-00s, the two are both like father and son, teacher and student and encounter doubts on the road to freedom and realization of dreams. They embark on the journey of finding answers, showing the charm of outdoor sports, and leading people think about the changes of material civilization to today’s young people.