Projection: Monday 8th December – 3.00 pm – Sala Colonne
Company: Gheorghy Biloshytkyy
Country: UKRAINE
Discipline: Sports acrobatics
Year: 2014
Director: Gheorghy Biloshytskyy
Editing: Viktor Melnyk
Photo: Viktor Melnyk
Soundtrack: Oleksandr Voytko
Voice Off: Gheorghy Biloshytskyy
Producer: Gheorghy Biloshytkyy
Time: 25 min
This is a story about the life of the chief coach of the national ukrainian sports acrobatics team Mr. Leonid Golyak. The narration embraces the period of the participation of the team in a tournament in Poland and at the Ukrainian championship in June, 2014. Against a background of the sports theme there is a personal story of the protagonist proposed in the form of the decalogue.