Company: Adastra Films

Country: FRANCE


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2015

Director: Raúl López Echeverría

Editing: Yordi Capó

Actors: Edoardo Covarrubias, Manuel Villaseñor

Photography: Sergio Martínez

Soundtrack: Saúl Cantero

Producer: Jorge Díaz Sánchez

Time: 20 min

Projection: Saturday 19 November  – 19.40 – Sala Colonne

Watch the trailer


Domingo is an enthusiastic sports journalist: he comments soccer games that take place on a small playing field of his neighborhood and records his comments on a mag tape that he presents each time to a local television in order to manage to get an audition. One day he has the opportunity to meet the sports managing director and, after much insistence, he gets the audition to become a professional commentator…