Company: Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Atletica 85 Faenza

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Athletics

Director: Mattia Zani, Samuele Apperti, Aiuto Regista: Davide Gubellini

Edting: Samuele Apperti, Mattia Zani

Actors: Alice Balducci, Carlo Pasi, Nelly Imafidon, Ebenezer Chukwuemeka Abara.

Photo: Mattia Zani, Samuele Apperti

Soundtrack: At the bottom of everything, Bright Eyes You will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will. Bright Eyes. Easy lucky free,  Bright Eyes. Rhiannon, Fleetwood Mac. Go your own way, Fleetwood Mac. On the level, Mac Demarco. Every 1’s a winner, Ty Segall.

Producer: ASD Atletica 85 Faenza

Running Time: 10 min


Nelly is an African boy. He has lived in Italy for five years, after moving with his family to a small town in Emilia Romagna and having changed homes several times. Sport and running always helped him, naturally to find the strength, the motivation, the way to grow, in harmony, to overcome the small daily challenges. In Italy, the advice of a very young friend, Michele, helped him to think, to reflect, to find solutions. Nelly speaks to him, beyond time and moment, about ambitions, fears, future and a girl, Luna. A sporty girl runs as she is getting ready for the relay. From the opportunity of a race, a relay race, the story of Nelly and Luna is born, an incredible story capable of crossing the present, the past and the future.