Projection: Sunday 7th December – 8.35 pm – Sala Colonne
Company: Ideale Audience
Country: FRANCE
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2014
Director: François-Xavier Destors, Marie Thomas-Penette
Editing: Jean-Pierre Bloc
Photo: Claude Garnier
Soundtrack: François Waledisch
Producer: Pierre-Olivier Bardet (Idéale Audience) & Arte France
Time: 108 min
Twenty years after the genocide, Eugene Murangwa, the former goalkeeper of the National Football Team Rwanda returns to his native country. In association with his former teammates who sheltered him during the 1994 genocide, Eugene is committed to rebuilding the bonds broken by decades of hatred. He undertakes a journey to confront the history of football, a sports that entertains close ties with the colonial past and the tragedy his country underwent. At the image of Rwandan society, Eugene seeks to rethink the future by traversing the past.