Company: Shayanfilm
Country: I.R. IRAN
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Wrestling
Year: 2014
Director: Mohammadreza Ahanj
Editing: Screenwriter: Arash Davoudi - Edited: Siamak Mehmandoost
Actors: Alireza Heydari, Ahmad Najafi, Vitaly Sementof
Photo: Shahriar Asadi
Soundtrack: Mohammad Sheyvandi
Producer: Ahmad Najafi, Arash Davoudi
Time: 100 min




Syavash Kiani, world wrestling champion, leaves Iran for a better living. He gets married in the new Country, but he finds difficulties because of his origin Country. The legend will start when championships finished beyond time and borders to be immortal. Start a difficult journey and a new beginning just as birth of the myth… and at last Siavash, “the super hero”.