Projection: Saturday 6th December – 9.30 pm – Sala Colonne
Company: La Hazaña del ’41
Discipline: Baseball
Year: 2011
Director: José Pulido, Carolina Vila
Editing: José Manuel Pulido
Photo: Carolina Vila
Soundtrack: Daniel Belardinelli
Voice Off: Antonio Delli
Producer: Juliette Tabares
Time: 52 min


In October 22, 1941, a group of young Venezuelan baseball players achieve the unthinkable: to take the world title away from the eternal champion, the Cuban team. The deed, known by many as the most important Venezuelan sport event of the XX century, changed forever the history of the game in this country where, as a resulti,  baseball is most popular than soccer. After that unthinkable victory, more than 200 Venezuelan baseball players had moved up to the Major Leagues. Baseball has developed tremendously, becoming a highly profitable industry that allures millions of fans to the stadiums every season.  All of these is the result of that remarkable deed achieved by a group of young men in La Havana.