Company: Associazione Culturale Mediacreative
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Scuba Diving
Year: 2013
Director: Donatella Cervi
Editiong: Donatella Cervi, Chiara Tognoli
Photography: Video op. subacqueo Lorenzo Venturini
Soundtrack: Marco Monti, brani finali (pizzica) Jazza Banna
Actors: William Angiuli, Francesca D’Addario, Paolo de Vizzi. Special Guests: Patrizia Maiorca, Gianluca Genoni, Umberto Pelizzari, Michele Geraci, Lorenzo Del Veneziano, 185° R.A.O. Folgore
Voice Off: Marina Ronchetti
Producer: Associazione Mediacreative
Time: 50 min
Projection: Friday 6 December – 8:30 pm – Sala Terrazzo
Puglia, late ’90s, a boy remains disabled as a result of a serious car accident caused by a hit and run driver. For ten years wheelchair and despair have been his companions. Only the memory of the sea gives birth to a new hope in him, so that his best therapy becomes water and underwater activites; immersed in the liquid, he feels reborn, no pain, fluid movements, no defection. Now it begins a new life plan for him who wants to be an example for all those who have lost hope. Now his new life, The second Life Recond.