Company: Cinérgie Productions
Country: CHINA
Discipline: Climbing
Year: 2013
Director: Qiao Yan
Editing: Qiao Yan
Photography: Wang JingTashiQiao Yan
Producer: Wang Jing
Time: 19 min
Projection: Friday 6 December – 3:00 pm – Sala Terrazzo








2013 marks the 60th year anniversary of the first successful summit of Everest. This year, Wang Jing planned to summit Nuptse (7861 meters) without the use of oxygen. Previously, there have only been 20 summit records, and none from China. The day before she left, Wang Jing received some bad news: a Russian mountaineer died on his ascend to Everest without Oxygen aid and a Taiwanese trekker was trapped on Lhotse. Despite the pressure, Wang Jing still departed for her trip. After over 10 hours of climbing without oxygen aide, Wang Jing successfully reached summit Nuptse and continued towards the top of Everest after encountering an 80 year old mountaineer from Japan, Yuichiro Miura.